Fertility in Iraq Measuring determinants


  • Asmaa' Salah Qadoori
  • Ahmed K. Ghannam




In this modest research, we try to clarify the concept of fertility and the detection of the most important determinants and standards in Iraq.

In Iraq, the total fertility rate in Iraq clearly  decrease in the last two decade, reach (4.3) births per woman in 2006, but is still high in comparison with the world, more than about (65%) of the global rate of (2.7) births. The overall fertility rate of developing States and medium human development has been reduced to (2.9) births and (2.5) births, respectively. There are many standards of fertility, crude birth rate ,the total fertility rate, age-specific  fertility rate,  Gross Reproduction rate and the Net Reproduction rate and others.

there are many demographic factors , social and economic impact on the levels of fertility, there for many of researchers try to clarify the relationship between the fertility and these factors and the impact of each on it. the most important of those factors for those relating to the advancement of women in the first place and then the husband and the family and the surroundings of the family. One of the characteristics of women from the demographic aspect of old age at first marriage and the use of family planning methods and other .either social factors include the marital status of the educational level of both husband and wife and health situation. The economic factors related to work of women outside the home, the level of family income and consumer aspirations of the family.




How to Cite

Asmaa’ Salah Qadoori, & Ahmed K. Ghannam. (2023). Fertility in Iraq Measuring determinants. Tikrit Journal of Pure Science, 22(4), 147–156. https://doi.org/10.25130/tjps.v22i4.745


