Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Instruction to authors

Note: - Please, use our paper template format file by clicking on Article Template

Aims and Scope:

Tikrit Journal of Pure Science is a quarterly refereed periodical devoted to the publication of articles that conform to its scope and editorial standards. The scope encompasses various disciplines of original experimental and theoretical research papers and articles in pure and applied sciences. All submitted papers are subjects to an extensive peer review by a panel of referees.

Submission (               ):

The submission of the original manuscript should be online. The manuscript’s language should be native English. The manuscript will be reviewed by the referees. If necessary, the author may be asked to revise their manuscript. Before submitting their paper to TJPS, the author should state explicitly that their paper has never been published nor submitted totally or partially elsewhere. The author is not entitled to withdraw their under-processing paper unless they submit a written request, and pay the referring expenses.

Time Schedule:

The main author should receive acknowledgment of receipt of the manuscript and within a few months, he should have a notification of acceptance or rejection or a request for revising.


One reprint will be supplied to the principal author free of charge.

Copyright Transfer:

Upon publishing an article, its copyright is transferred automatically to the publisher without further notification to the author.


Manuscript preparation:

In preparation of the manuscript, the following instructions should be strictly, as  following:



  1. Manuscript:

The original manuscript should be typed on one side of the A4 paper (210mm x 297mm). Double-spaced with 35mm margin alleges should be numbered Authors are requested to use SI. Units as the primary listing and to include, in parentheses, other conventional units only when their listing is extremely necessary to improve immediate understanding of the article contents. Authors are asked after acceptance of their paper, to send the manuscript on a disc indicating the software used.

  1. Layout:

Authors are requested to adhere to the following order: Title, authors(s) affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Main text (1-Introduction, 2-Materials and Methods, 3-Results and Discussion, 4-Acknowledgments(optional), 5-Appendices (optional), 6-References.

  1. Length:

The total number of the papers should not exceed 10 printed pages of the Journal.

  1. Title:

The title should be concise and brief.

  1. Abstract:

The abstract should not exceed 200 words. It should contain the keywords of the papers as well as the essence of the results achieved.

An Arabic Abstract should be provided (200 words) with arabic author's names and Affiliation.


  1. Figures:

ach Figure must be referred to in the text, and have a caption below it. The captions should be indicated in the margin axes of figures and must be an abb. Word “Fig.” is used labeled properly. The drawings for the figures must be copied by a scanner and inserted in a suitable location after the paragraph that refers to the figure directly. The figures should be identified by the name and figure number.


  1. Tables:

Tables should be inserted in a suitable location after the paragraph that refers to the table directly and each table should have a number and headed by a tittle.


  1. References:

The references to other works should be numbered consecutively in the order they are cited in the text, using Arabic numerals enclosed in square brackets ( ).These references should be listed in numerical order on a separate page at the end of the paper. Additionally, citations must follow the Vancouver style, using EndNote or other citation management tools, and the DOI should be included where applicable.

Please feel free to reach our website if  you'd like more information on Author Guidelines: 


Examples of correct reference forms are given below.


Reference to a journal publication:

The style of authors for all refs.

 References are written only in the English language with Vancouver Citing & Referencing.

-50% of references are recent and are within the last 5 years. Write at the end of each references

For one author

  1. Kitch EW. The nature and function of the patent system. the Journal of Law and Economics. 1977;20(2):265-90


For six authors or more

  1. Ghiglione J-F, Martin-Laurent F, Pesce S. Microbial ecotoxicology: an emerging discipline facing contemporary environmental threats. Springer; 2016. p. 3981-3.
  2. Deurenberg RH, Bathoorn E, Chlebowicz MA, Couto N, Ferdous M, García-Cobos S, et al. Application of next generation sequencing in clinical microbiology and infection prevention. Journal of biotechnology. 2017;243:16-24.


Reference to a book:

  1. Kaviany M. Principles of heat transfer in porous media: Springer Science & Business Media; 2012.


Reference to a conference or symposium:

  1. Mahdi LMS. Equilateral Triangular Channel based on Intelligent Control Assist. Prof. Tahseen A. Tahseen", Assist Prof. Khalaf S. Gaeid “, Dr. Ahmed R. Ajel".


Dissertation or Thesis:

Doe J. The Role of Molecular Genetics in Cancer Research [PhD thesis]. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University; 2020.


  1. Davids J, Smith D. Analysis of constant-velocity joints under high torque. HMSO, London; 1996.


 Web Page:

World Health Organization. Obesity and overweight. WHO. 2020 [Accessed 2024 Aug 13]. Available from:



  1. Trainham JA, Hoertz PG, Bonino CA, Newman JS. Particulate heat transfer fluid and related system and method. Google Patents; 2017.