Taxonomical and Chemical for Certain spesies of the genus Papaver L. from Papaveraceae grown in Province Dohuk – Iraq


  • Zaineb Khalil Ibraheem Al-Allawi
  • Yasin Mohammad Ahmed



The current research include taxonomic study of the types and forms of  Genus poppy Papaver L.which growth in the government of Dohuk . eight species of which two have been diagnosed with the for the first time in Iraq in general and in the Government of Dohuk in particular on the chemical basis of the travel depending on the type and quantity of narcotic vehicles in all type and these types is (Papaveracrochaetum Bornm. , P.hybridum L., P.orientale L., P.somniferum var.paeoniflorum L., P.glaucum Boiss., P.macrostomum Boiss., P. rhoeas L., P. syriacum Boiss. ) .Where opium was extracted from the fruits of these plants have been identified, and more alkaline compounds that impact the drug in these plants which Morphin, Codiene, Theabine, Noscapine, Papaverine, were also identified the presence or absence of each compound Previously with reference to the plant and substance abuse located where the risk of where the material recorded papaverine in all species found the upper percentage in P.somniferum 18.4% and the lower percentage in P.orientale 3.6% ,and the compound Morphine was found in all species except the species P.macrostomum the upper percentage was 11.5 % in P.somniferum and  the little in P.acrochaetum while the Codiene and Noscapine were not found in any species and the Thebiene was found in all species the high quantity was 11.4 % P.glaucum and low in P.syriacum 4.9%




كيفية الاقتباس

Zaineb Khalil Ibraheem Al-Allawi, & Yasin Mohammad Ahmed. (2023). Taxonomical and Chemical for Certain spesies of the genus Papaver L. from Papaveraceae grown in Province Dohuk – Iraq. Tikrit Journal of Pure Science, 22(3), 27–35.


