طلبات النشر

إذهب إلى صفحة الولوج أو سجّل لتقديم طلبات النشر.

متطلبات تحضير طلب النشر

كجزء من عملية تقديم طلب النشر، على المؤلفين التأكد من كون طلباتهم مستوفية لجميع الفقرات الآتية، وعليه، فقد تُرد الطلبات التي لا تلبي تلك الضوابط.
  • هذا المؤلَّف لم يسبق له النشر، ولم يُعرض على مجلة علمية أخرى للنظر فيه (أو هناك توضيح بشأن هذا الأمر مقدم إلى هيئة التحرير في خانة التعليقات).
  • ملف التقديم هو بإحدى الصيغ الآتية: OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, WordPerfect.
  • حيثما تطلب الأمر، أضيفت روابط للمراجع المستعملة في المؤلَّف (الروابط هي وصلات إلى العناوين على الشبكة العنكبوتية).
  • فقرات النص ذات تباعد مفرد للأسطر، بحجم خط (12) نقطة، تم فيه استعمال الخط المائل بدلاً عن الخط التحتاني (باستثناء عناوين الروابط)، وجميع الرسوم والأشكال والجداول متوضعة ضمن النص المتعلق بها عوضاً عن تجميعها في نهاية الملف.
  • إن نص المؤلَّف مقيد بالمتطلبات النمطية والأسلوبية الواردة في دليل المؤلِّف، الموجود في النص التعريفي بالمجلة ضمن هذا الموقع.

إرشادات المؤلف

Instruction to authors

Aims and Scope:

Tikrit Journal of Pure Science is a quarterly refereed periodical devoted to the publication of articles that conform to its scope and editorial standards. The scope encompasses various disciplines of original experimental and theoretical research papers and articles in pure and applied sciences. All submitted papers are subjects to an extensive peer review by a panel of referees.


The submission of the original manuscript should be online. The manuscript’s language should be native English. The manuscript will be reviewed by the referees. If necessary, the author may be asked to revise their manuscript. Before submitting their paper to TJPS, the author should state explicitly that their paper has never been published nor submitted totally or partially elsewhere. The author is not entitled to withdraw their under-processing paper unless they submit a written request, and pay the referring expenses.

Time Schedule:

The main author should receive acknowledgment of receipt of the manuscript and within a few months, he should have a notification of acceptance or rejection or a request for revising.


One reprint will be supplied to the principal author free of charge.

Copyright Transfer:

Upon publishing an article, its copyright is transferred automatically to the publisher without further notification to the author.


Manuscript preparation:

In preparation of the manuscript, the following instructions should be strictly, as  following:

  1. Manuscript: The original manuscript should be typed on one side of the A4 paper (210mm x 297mm). Double-spaced with 35mm margin alleges should be numbered Authors are requested to use SI. Units as the primary listing and to include, in parentheses, other conventional units only when their listing is extremely necessary to improve immediate understanding of the article contents. Authors are asked after acceptance of their paper, to send the manuscript on a disc indicating the software used.
  1. Layout: Authors are requested to adhere to the following order: Title, authors(s) affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Main text (1-Introduction, 2-Materials and Methods, 3-Results and Discussion, 4-Acknowledgments(optional), 5-Appendices (optional), 6-References.
  1. Length: The total number of the papers should not exceed 10 printed pages of the Journal.
  1. Title: The title should be concise and brief.
  1. Abstract: The abstract should not exceed 200 words. It should contain the keywords of the papers as well as the essence of the results achieved.
  1. Figures: Each Figure must be referred to in the text, and have a caption below it. The captions should be indicated in the margin axes of figures must be labeled properly. The drawings for the figures must be copied by a scanner and inserted in a suitable location after the paragraph that refers to the figure directly. The figures should be identified by the name and figure number.
  1. Tables: Tables should be inserted in a suitable location after the paragraph that refers to the table directly and each table should have a number and headed by a tittle.


  1. References: References to other works should be consecutively numbered in which they are cited in the text identified by Arabic numerals in square brackets [ ], and should be listed by number on a separate sheet at the end of the paper. Examples of correct reference forms are given below.

Reference to a journal publication:

The style of authors for all refs.:  Tahseen, T.A. (2014). Performance predictions of laminar heat transfer and pressure drop in an in-line flat tube bundle using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) model. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 50 (1):85–97.

Tahseen, T.A. and Rahman, M.M. (2014). Performance predictions of laminar heat transfer and pressure drop in an in-line flat tube bundle using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) model. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 50 (1):85–97.

Tahseen, T.A.; Ishak, M. and Rahman, M.M. (2014). Performance predictions of laminar heat transfer and pressure drop in an in-line flat tube bundle using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) model. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 50 (1):85–97.

For six authors or more

Tahseen, T.A. et al. (2014). Performance predictions of laminar heat transfer and pressure drop in an inline flat tube bundle using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) model. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 50 (1):85–97.

Reference to a book: Strunk, J.W. and White, E.B. (2000). The elements of style. 4th ed., New York: Longman: 206 pp.

Book Section: Kaviany, M. (2000). Heat transfer in porous media. In: Rohsenow, W.M. and Hartnett, J.P. (eds.), Handbook of Heat Transfer. McGraw-Hill, New York: 204-265.

Reference to a conference or symposium: Tahseen, T.A. (2017). Performance prediction for a forced convection in an equilateral triangular channel based on intelligent control. 1st International Conference for Engineering Researches, 1-2 Mar 2017, Baghdad, Iraq. Middle Technical University: p. 10-17.

Dissertation or Thesis: Mohammed, M.M. (2016). A hybrid CFD-ANN approach to analysis heat transfer laminar flow across flat tube banks. M.Sc. or Ph.D. thesis, Tikrit University, Tikrit, Iraq: 200 pp.

Report: Davids, J. (1969). Analysis of constant-velocity joints under high torque. HMSO: London: 1-8 pp.

Web Page: Tahseen, T.A. (2018). How to write and published the impact factor journals. Tikrit Univrsity; Tikrit, Iraq. Available from: http://en.tu.edu.iq 

Patent; Trainham, J.A. (2017). Particulate heat transfer fluid and related system and method. USA, patent No. US 9651313 B2: 1-47.


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بيان الخصوصية

أسماء الأشخاص وعناوين البريد الالكتروني المحفوظة في موقع المجلة هذا ستتم الاستفادة منها حصرياً للأغراض المنصوص عليها من قبل المجلة، ولن تكون متاحة لأي أغراض أخرى أو لأي طرف ثالث