Protective role of selenium in reducing the side effects produce from the use of codeine some female hormones in the endemic female rabbits


  • Hanan Shihab Ahmad
  • Zaid M. Mubark
  • Muneef Saab Ahmed Aljanabi



The aim study to search the role of selenium in Biochemical parameters of  role of selenium in reducing the side effect codeine in the level of certain hormones The study included 30 female domestic rabbits were divided into six groups of 5 animals per group show by studying the presence of high-rise moral (P ≤0.01) in the rate of the hormone AMH levels in serum in the third-sixth group compared to the first group. Absence of significant difference in the rate of the hormone AMH levels in the second group and the fourth-fifth group compared to the first group and the occurrence of high-low morale (P≤0.01) in rate progesterone levels in the blood serum in Group second and Group third and Group fourth fifth and sixth group and the group compared to the first group. And the presence of high moral decline (P≤0.01) in the rate of estrogen levels in the blood serum in Group second and Group third and Group fourth and fifth and sixth group and the group compared to the first group. And the occurrence of highly significant in the rate of LH hormone levels drop in blood serum in Group fourth compared to the first group. and the absence of significant differences in the rate of LH hormone levels in the blood serum in the first group and the fifth group and the third and sixth group compared to the first group. And a decline highly significant at the level of probability (P≤0.01) in the rate of FSH levels in serum in  third Group  and fifth Group and sixth group compared to the first group. The results showed no significant differences in the rate of FSH levels in serum in the scond group compared to the first group.




How to Cite

Hanan Shihab Ahmad, Zaid M. Mubark, & Muneef Saab Ahmed Aljanabi. (2023). Protective role of selenium in reducing the side effects produce from the use of codeine some female hormones in the endemic female rabbits. Tikrit Journal of Pure Science, 23(5), 13–19.


